Catherine Baylin Duryea STANFORD UNIVERSITY, HISTORY PROJECT TITLE: "'The crumbs of judicial relief'? Judicial Review of Price Control During Wartime" |
Cameron DeHart STANFORD UNIVERSITY, POLITICAL SCIENCE PROJECT TITLE: "The Elite Origins of Local Elective Offices in the United States" |
Johnnie Lotesta BROWN UNIVERSITY, SOCIOLOGY PROJECT TITLE: "Rightward in the Rustbelt: How Business took Over the GOP and Ousted Organized Labor, 1971-2012" |
Elliot Mamet DUKE UNIVERSITY, POLITICAL SCIENCE PROJECT TITLE: "Representation on the Periphery: How Non-Voting Members of Congress Exercise Legislative Power" |
Michael Olson HARVARD UNIVERSITY, GOVERNMENT PROJECT TITLE: "Party Competition and Legislative Conflict: Legislative Dimensionality in the American South, 1880-1930" |
Charles Petersen HARVARD UNIVERSITY, AMERICAN STUDIES PROJECT TITLE: "Meritocracy in America, 1940-2000" |
Vivien Rendleman DUKE UNIVERSITY, HISTORY PROJECT TITLE: "Passing Marks: Determining Insiders from Outsiders in Confederate Richmond" |
Jaime Sánchez, Jr. PRINCETON UNIVERSITY, HISTORY PROJECT TITLE: "Constructing Legitimacy: The Democratic National Committee, George McGovern, and the Rhetoric of Reform, 1968-1972" |
Mo Torres HARVARD UNIVERSITY, SOCIOLOGY PROJECT TITLE: "Justifying Takeover: Race, Class, and the 'Emergency Management' of Michigan Cities"