Updates: 2014

The Tobin Project is looking for outstanding professionals and recent graduates for a full-time Research Analyst position. The Research Analyst will work with the Director of Research, the Tobin research team, and leading scholars from a variety of disciplines to conceptualize, generate, and strengthen new research toward solving important problems facing society.

The Tobin Project will be accepting applications on a rolling basis through January 12, 2015.

Learn more about job opportunities at the Tobin Project »


The July-August issue of Harvard Magazine profiles the Tobin Project, featuring an in-depth look at both the “Inequality & Decision Making” and “Preventing Regulatory Capture” initiatives.


The last two months have brought several new staff members to the Tobin Project. In April, London Hammar, a recent graduate of Columbia University, joined us as an Operations and Program Assistant. Then, in early June, Ron Watson joined us as a Program Manager focused on the Tobin Project’s growth strategy, after receiving his PhD in Political Science from Washington University. And, just this week, Will Wittels came on as a Research Analyst after receiving a PhD in Political Science from Duke University.


The Tobin Project has selected the 2014-15 class for the Graduate Student Forums and Fellowships in National Security and Democracy and Markets. The GSF program provides graduate students doing policy-relevant research related to Tobin’s programs with funding and a group of like-minded students with whom to discuss and improve their work. Our pool of applicants this year was larger and stronger than ever, and we are excited to start working with the students this fall.

Initiative leaders Bill Novak and Naomi Lamoreaux at the conference

On February 8th and 9th, the Tobin Project held our third conference in our initiative on Corporations & American Democracy. Participants shared the latest drafts of their chapters for an upcoming volume with scholars and policymakers.


In January, scholars from the Tobin Project's National Security initiative discussed their recent work on sustainable national security at the Brookings Institution's Project on International Order and Strategy and the American University School of International Service’s Bridging the Gap project.


After two successful events with policymakers and think tank scholars in Washington, D.C., the Tobin Project took the newly published volume Preventing Regulatory Capture back to the academic sphere for an event at Duke University.

January 2014: Tobin Project Scholars File Supreme Court Brief on Rights of Corporations

A group of scholars from the Tobin Project’s Corporations & American Democracy initiative submitted a Supreme Court brief in January, working with attorney Jonathan Massey, in Sebelius v.

